What is Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships?
Australia’s Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships program delivers off-grid renewable energy projects for rural and remote communities throughout Papua New Guinea.
It works across remote and hard to reach parts of the country to deliver clean, accessible and renewable energy to communities, schools and small businesses.
What funding is available through Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships?
Australia will provide at least PGK500,000 for eligible off-grid energy projects for rural and remote communities.
All organisations that meet the eligibility criteria are welcome to apply for funding through Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships.
A minimum 10% partner contribution is highly encouraged for all off-grid energy projects. The Australian Government may waive the partner contribution at its discretion.
What solar technology can be funded through Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships?
Eligible organisations are invited to use the expression of interest form to propose a project concept that uses one or more of the following technologies:
- Solar home systems (15 watt)
- Solar community systems (30 watt)
- Solar streetlights (35 watt)
- Standalone power systems (5 kW or 10 kW).
At least PGK500,000 is available for selected off-grid energy projects that can be delivered in 8 to 12 months. Applicant organisations are highly encouraged to contribute at least 10% of the project total (financial or in kind) towards the project.
When will Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships open?
Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships is now calling for expressions of interest. Read about how to apply.
When will expressions of interest close?
Expressions of interest will be assessed on a regular basis. Upcoming cut-off dates include:
11.59 pm Port Moresby time on Friday 31 January 2025
11.59 pm Port Moresby time on Monday 31 March 2025
What types of organisations are eligible to receive funding?
A wide range of organisations are eligible to apply for funding, including:
- Private sector organisations/foundations
- Landowner groups and community-based organisations
- Faith-based organisations
- Non-government organisations
- Development organisations.
Government entities are not eligible to apply. However, an applicant may partner with a government entity as part of its proposed approach to implementing a project.
Where will projects be funded?
Projects funded under Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships so far have been in Madang, Morobe, New Ireland, Oro, Sandaun, Western and West New Britain provinces.
While projects in new locations will be prioritised, please don’t hesitate to propose your project idea that will contribute to measurable, sustainable outcomes in any rural or remote location in Papua New Guinea.
Can I submit more than one expression of interest?
Organisations are welcome to submit more than one expression of interest, for example in multiple project locations, so long as they meet the eligibility criteria and organisations are able to provide multiple co-contributions.
What is the expected project duration?
Projects are expected to be implemented within 8 to 12 months. Project implementation will begin after all parties have entered into the Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships Agreement.
Will applicants need to source the solar products/technologies?
No. The Economic and Social Infrastructure Program will procure all solar products needed for Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships projects through a competitive tendering process.
This approach is designed to make the program accessible to a wide range of organisations.
Successful applicant organisations will have opportunities to learn about tendering and project management during the project.
What are the eligibility criteria for interested organisations?
Organisations seeking Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships’ funding must provide evidence of the following mandatory requirements.
- Registered with the PNG Investment Promotion Authority or provide evidence of registration in their country of nationality.
- Hold audited financial statements for the last 3 consecutive years, audited by an independent audit firm. If audited financial statements are not available, the financial statements must be certified by the organisation’s authorised officer.
- If applying as a consortium or a joint venture, each member must provide items 1 and 2 above plus a copy of a duly executed Joint Venture Agreement or a Letter of Intent to form a joint venture.
- Holds a valid Tax Identification Number (TIN) or equivalent.
- Holds a valid Certificate of Compliance issued by the PNG Internal Revenue Commission (IRC) or equivalent.
- If the project is proposing to include a standalone power system, proof of ownership such as a certified land title, a long-term lease or a Land Use Agreement for the land and any buildings on which the system will be installed.
PNG government entities are not eligible to apply. However, an applicant may partner with a government entity as part of its proposed approach to implementing a project.
How does Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships work?
Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships is opening with a new, simplified funding model to make accessing clean energy for remote communities even easier.
View our how to apply page for details on the application and project delivery process.
Can electricity be sold to consumers as part of the solar system installation?
The electricity generated from the larger standalone systems will be for self consumption and cannot be on-sold to consumers and communities. The systems will be installed to provide a dedicated electricity supply to individual buildings or a cluster of buildings in the same location.
Will systems be allowed to connect to the PNG Power grid as part of the solar system installation?
No, the systems are for off-grid electrification only. Read more about off-grid electrification.
Will projects be allowed inside PNG Power's exclusivity zone?
PNG Power owns and operates three major electricity grids (Port Moresby, Ramu and Gazelle) and has mini grids in most provincial centres.
PNG Power has exclusivity to a 10-kilometre radius around its existing grid infrastructure. This means that off-grid technologies cannot be established within the 10-kilometre exclusivity zone.
Under Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships, off grid refers to systems generating power anywhere outside the current PNG Power exclusivity zone and areas clearly demarcated for grid extension. The systems will be for self consumption only and will not on-sell power to consumers.
Is the 10% partner contribution compulsory?
A minimum 10% partner contribution is highly encouraged. Applicants who cannot meet this financial contribution will be asked to explain why they cannot directly co-fund the project and propose other ways to support the project and its implementation.
The Australian Government may waive partner co-contributions at its discretion.
I have an idea for a solar energy project that doesn’t fit within the project guidelines. What can I do?
We are always interested in exploring opportunities for future partnerships that will improve access to clean energy in rural and remote communities.
If you have a big idea to improve access clean energy that you would like to discuss, please email us at info@pawarimkomuniti.org.pg.
What are some of the benefits of increasing access to energy services?
80% of PNG’s population lives in remote towns and communities with limited access to vital services. Increasing access to energy services will:
- help to improve living standards
- allow government and civil society to deliver improved education and health services at the community level
- strengthen community members’ access to affordable, nutritious food
- foster economic growth in the private sector, especially through enhancing income generation opportunities for small and medium enterprises
- improve safety and security at night through improved street lighting.
How is Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships funded?
Australia funds Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships as part of its support to improve access to energy in Papua New Guinea.
A minimum 10% co-contribution or equivalent is highly encouraged for all projects.
My business supplies and/or installs solar technology. What business opportunities will be available through Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships?
We expect to offer opportunities for solar suppliers and installers to work with Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships in 2025. Details will be published on this website.
I still need more information. Who can I contact?
We would be happy to answer any questions not covered here.