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Eligibility checker

Take our quiz

Is your organisation interested in applying for a Pawarim Komuniti Partnerships project? Take our quiz to check if your project is eligible to pass through the expression of interest and full proposal stages.

1. Is your organisation registered with the PNG Investment Promotion Authority or equivalent?
2. Does your organisation hold audited or certified financial statements for the last 3 consecutive years?
3. If applying as a consortium or a joint venture, does your organisation hold items 1 and 2 above plus a duly executed Consortium Agreement, Joint Venture Agreement or a Letter of Intent?
4. Does your organisation hold a valid Tax Identification Number (TIN) or equivalent?
5. Does your organisation hold a valid Certificate of Compliance issued by the PNG Internal Revenue Commission (IRC) or equivalent?
6. Is your project requesting at least PGK500,000 in funding for an off-grid renewable energy project?
7. If your project is proposing to include a standalone power system, do you hold proof of ownership, a long-term lease or a Land Use Agreement for the land and any buildings on which the system will be installed?
8. Does your organisation have project management capabilities to manage a project of your desired size?